Individual Dental Insurance

Individual dental insurance plans are designed to give individuals and families the ability to access dental care at a lower rate. The plans available vary in what they provide, but typically offer cleanings, exams, and X-rays every six months, and reduced rates for fillings and other needed treatments.

Routine cleanings and exams allow you to maintain a better degree of oral and dental health. Basic services such as fillings are often covered, or provided at a much lower rate than if you paid cash for the same treatment.


Preventative Dental Care

What type of dental insurance plan do you need? It takes some knowledge to sort through the available plans and choose the insurance that will work best for you or your family. Do you have children that may need orthodontic treatments? Are you in need of extensive dental work? These issues make a difference in the type of plan that will be appropriate for you or your family. Rather than waiting to visit a dentist only when you experience pain or have a real problem, ongoing preventative care can keep your teeth in good condition, and saves money in the end.

At Timeless Insurance Solutions, we are here to serve the community with their insurance needs, including finding the best, and most affordable dental insurance. Let’s talk!